May 10, 2006

Coal Bunker posted a photo:

Coal Bunker

Early in the history of the Olympic Portland Cement Company plant, the facility was fueled partially by oil, and partially by coal. The coal was mined from our own coal mines, and then was brought to the cement plant.

Although I haven't confirmed it, I'm pretty sure this extraordinarily dark and creepy warehouse was where the pulverized coal was stored. As you can see, everything is sooty-black inside, and grey-black dust is still piled beneath the support structure at the middle of the bunker.

I have a growing fascination with certain haunting facets of life a century ago: the industrial machinery of the time, the early days of logging, steam donkeys, old locomotives, the creepy (to me) stone architecture of the late Victorian era... These things both grip and disturb me profoundly.

To me, this coal bunker photo captures the deeply-moving creepiness of that era. I don't know if other people will see or feel that same consuming, fascinating sense of history and mortality. Does anybody else get that profound feeling from this? Perhaps it's just me.

I almost didn't take this photo. It was so deeply creepy, I didn't really want to stand there just inside the building. But it was worth it.

Make sure your monitor is calibrated properly. You should just be able to see the vertical beams along the back wall. If you can't see them, your monitor is set too dark and you're not seeing all the information in this image--or other images.